The best ideas pop up in situations that change. There are people who have ritualised the changing of situations to actually trigger their ideating power. One example is Spanx founder Sara Blakely. She chooses to get in the car and drive around town and country to stimulate the idea machine. Her triggers are the new situations that come cross her path when driving.
But not everybody can get into the car every time they need an idea to a resolve a problem. Or driving through cities and landscapes isn’t enough to trigger or compound ideas. And following to the idea making a lot of people struggle with the next step - which is the ‘how’? How will this idea land in know situations and teams that are a given, how will I get my team to “get the idea and run with it”? How does this new idea fit into the strategy of my company - perhaps even a strategy that is a committed strategy?
Oftentimes the idea dies a beautiful death and habitual routines take over. That doesn’t just go for you but for all the people you work and/or live lives with.
“An ‘idea machine’ myself - I have had to put a lot of hard work and effort into calming my head down so to be able to improve the ideas that I had but also make them “sharable”. It was a bumpy ride but I know because of that experience that it is absolutely possible. ”
Sometimes the “spray and pray” of ideas is also a tactic (can be an unknown one!) and people justify their idea machine as being useful because there is always an idea that lands and is picked up by others and brought to succes. However, many who are influenced by such an ‘idea machine’ experience unnecessary chaotic management and generally the short attention span as well as the lack of discipline ends up in unsustainable results.
Other times there are situations where people can not hold back on the ideation power. They are so excited and overtaken by the opportunity that they don’t even make it to a reasonable ‘how is this going to work’ stage. The difficulty with ‘idea machines’ is that they can not find the calm and the discipline to execute their concepts into pragmatical solutions. An ‘idea machine’ myself - I have had to put a lot of hard work and effort into calming my head down so to be able to improve the ideas that I had but also make them “sharable”. It was a bumpy ride but I know because of that experience that it is absolutely possible.
“Having ideas and bringing them to success can be done differently - Anne-Marie knows how. ”
During this workshop we will utilise behavioural design methods to look at how you and your teams ideas come to fruition. We will discover how to best ask each other questions that stimulate fantasy but also excavate past behaviours and bring the two spaces of ideas together and make them practical.
After the workshop you’ll have a good collection of ideas - but especially important - the ideas are companioned by reasonable frames that can help you validate the ideas commercially if you wish so.
The minimum time for the workshop is 4 hours for the basics.
please use the contact form to if you would like a tailored proposal.
Would you yourself like to improve or be challenged by “a pair of fresh eyes” and need help in developing and translating your ideas from concepts to pragmatic methods that allow for execution?
Anne-Marie is available for personal trajectories and is bookable:
for a one time “fresh eyes” session
which can be built into a more strategic and continued series
for an “opened eyes - clear ideas” way of living.